April 1, 2015

Have you seen the Ice Cold Combos

... on Facebook or Twitter?  That's how I discovered them.  Through little snippets of choreography randomly popping up in my Facebook feed, I've learned they will be putting on a live show this summer in Knoxville, TN, Richmond, VA and Charlottesville,VA.

But this 'aint your Grandmother's ice show.  And this is no April Fool's joke either.

This is genius crowdfunding that a bunch of us chorus girls trapped in penguin costumes could only dream of in 1983.

Pairing show skaters and live musicians helped sink the TV ice show of yesteryear.  Remember "Skatin' with Kenny Rogers or Kenny Loggins or Kenny G?"  But I think this show will be different.  The choreography is hip and sharp and the musicians in question, The Northerners are up-and-comers.  I bet this show will raise their profile. 

Adam Blake is the founder, director and choreographer of Ice Cold Combos and he's put the show on Rockethub for anyone to contribute.  Check it out here and if you're a fan of ice shows, considering donating!  Help them reach their goal!

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