This post is long but it got the most hits of the year. Enjoy.
What Should She Wear?
I'm having fun with this, so please indulge me.
When I was googling Venus William's images I saw a shocking array of tennis outfits on display. Full disclosure: some of the crazy outfits belong to Serena, so it's a family affair. Below are some of the latest. This looks like an outfit I had back in 89 ...

I think she borrowed this from the Cancan production of HOI in 83 ...

But you probably only saw this dress from the back ...

Venus gets hammered a lot on these outfits of choice, especially when it looks like she's not wearing pants or underwear. You get a lot of these from google images:

But let's get back to her outfits ...

It seems as if the tennis world is coming closer to needing to look as good as you play. Or cynical me, says that Nikes and Addidas better leave room for Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren, de la Renta and the rest. Now tennis is still objective - no judges judging costumes and style points, just whether the ball was on the line or out.
But when I saw this on Ana Ivanovic and it reminded me of Nancy Kerrigan's dress that was designed by Vera Wang.

Is this wave of outfits looking more like
something from Ice Capades something that will stick? If so, she's in luck.
Holiday On Ice has some already for sale ... how easy is that? She can afford the express mail, she could get one of these beauties in a week!
So, play along boys and girls - what would you have Venus wear?
Cue the legless wonder manequin on the Holiday On Ice costumes website: This one looks a lot like the black number she already has.
But Ice Charades, this one has a crown.
Or this one? This could work on the court ... probably not with
real leather boots. How about pleather with built-in sneakers?

Okay these next two, you probably want to lose the head gear, but the outfits? Fringe could be fun.

Or if she wants a more serious look:

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